The Right Honourable Francis Blackburne, Lord Chancellor under the Government of Lord Derby, has been appointed Lord Justice of the new Court of Appeal under the act of last session. Mr. Blackburn, who is in receipt of a retiring pension of 40001. a year, will receive 10001. per annum in addition ; but the salary of his successors, if not retired Chancellors, will be 40001. a year; and they will take precedence next after the Lord Chief Baron. In the offi- ces of Master of the Rolls, Lord Chief Justice, and Chancellor, which he has successively filled, Mr. Blackburne has commanded the respect of the bar and the public, by his great legal abilities and his thorough impar- tiality : his appointment has given unmixed satisfaction to all parties. The new Court will not sit until Hilary Term, as the act does not come into operation until the 1st of January 1857.
The Town-Council of Cork seem to have put themselves in an unplea- sant position by their refusal to levy the Ministers'-Money tax : the Crown Solicitor has notified to the Town-Clerk, that unless the Council pay up the tax for three half-years, proceedings will be taken by the Crown in the Court of Exchequer to enforce payment.
The Clonmel creditors of the Tipperary Bank have held a meeting and appointed a committee to ascertain the real position of affairs, as they are very unwilling to accept of any compromise if the shareholders can really pay in full.