The Morning Post gives a prominent place to this explanatory an- nouncement—
" It has been stated in various quarters, that the Sublime Porte has ad- dressed to our Government a remonstrance against the longer continuance of the British fleet in the Black Sea.
" We are enabled to state that no such representation has been made by Turkey; and we repeat, that until the complete and faithful execution, of the treaty of Paris, the British fleet will not bewithdrawn from the Euxine. "The points at issue, however apparently insignificant in themselves, really involve the whole principle for which we engaged in the late war, and of which we obtained the full recognition in the treaty signed at Paris on the too credulous supposition that it would be honourably fulfilled."
Letters from Constantinople of the 26th, via Trieste, announce that, in reply to a demand presented by M. de Boutinieff, Lord Lyons has de- clared that the English fleet shall remain in the Black Sea until the ful- filment of the treaty of Paris. The same letters state that Russia has definitively excused Persia from the payment of the indemnity for the expenses of the war of 1827.