TRADE ACCOUNTS : EXPORTS AND IELPORTS.—The accounts for the month
and nine months ending the 30th September state the declared value of the exports at 10216,671/. and 84,906,6051. for the respective periods. As com- pared with 1855, the increase upon the month is I,100,000/., upon the nine months 15,700,000/. The increase for the month is general over all the items of which the exports are made up, but particularly in cotton, linen and woollen yarns, haberdashery and millinery, hardwares and cutlery, wrought iron, and copper. The imports show an increase in the number of oxen, cows, and calves ; and a decrease in other descriptions. In the arti- cle of bacon there is a large increase. In wheat the increase is 450,000 quarters as against 135,000 quarters in 1855 ; and in flour the increase is 388,000 hundredweight against 63,000. Upon the nine months the imports of coffee exhibit a falling-off, but there is an increase in tea. The quanti- ties entered for home consumption keep well up ; and the same remark ap- plies to sugar and wine.