There have been no further exportations of gold to the Continent this
week; and the private advises from Paris report a steady increase in the specie of the Bank of France and ajendency to recovery on the Bourse. But there has been much anxiety for further information regarding the proposed Railways in Russia. Advises from St. Petersburg state that con-. cessions have been granted to a French company for eighty years, and that the lines will extend about 2500 miles. The terms named by the Govern- ment are about 15,5001. per mile, to bear a guarantee of 41 per cent, with an additional half .er cent for a sinking-fund. The total sum required will be nearly gym, I. sterling; and as it is probable that a large portion will be offered to this country, it is a matter of great importance in the present state of fiances to know the period over which the works are to extend, and even if this should amount to ten years, the drain would be likely to create some embarrassing effects.
In the earlier part of the week our Funds declined f per cent. On Tues-
day Consols were as low as 911; there has since been a favourable reaction : yesterday they left off at 921 1 ; today they have been done at 921, and leave oft' at 921 for both Money and the Account. There have been few bargains in Bank and India Stocks; they have not altered. Exchequer Bills have been rather lower, through sales ; the proceeds have been after- wards in several instances invested in Consols. There has been a full de- eland for money in the discount-market and the Bank of England : at the Stock Exchange it has ranged from 51 to 6 per cent.
The Corn-market has been dull at a decline of between Ls. and 2s. Specie amounting to 160,000/. has been received from America. The average amount of bullion in both departments of the Bank of Eng- land for the month ending 27th September was 12,055,513/. ; a decrease of 387,815/. compared with the preceding month, and a decrease of 1,475,3291. compared with the same time last year.
Tomorrow, the day appointed for the half-yearly balance at the Bank, the Transfer-offices will be shut. At the Stock Exchange it will be a close holiday.
Foreign Securities have not exhibited much alteration. Turkish Six per Cents are I better ; Spanish, lower. Pending further information from St. Petersburg regarding the conditions of the proposed Railway conces- sions, there has been no speculation in Russian Stocks.
The Committee of the Stock Exchanoe determined on Monday upon ex-
punging the name of the Crystal Palace Company from the Official List, and not to recognize any further dealings in the, Shares. This resolution, which stands for confirmation on Monday next, is owing to the Directors of the Company denying the validity of transfers of Shares although they had been registered on their books. The Crystal Palace Company have since informed the Committee of the Stock Exchange, that in the refusal to admit the validity of certain Shares, they did not intend to deny their ultimate liability ; and that, acting upon the opinion of counsel, they had now de- termined to recognize them. All the Shares of the Company are to be con- solidated into Stock. It was understood that the Committee of the Stock Exchange would reconsider the subject on Monday next.
Railways continue to be influenced by the changes in Consols. The settle-
ment of the account was arranged yesterday. The market has been firmer than last week, and an improvement has occurred in the following—South- Eastern, 2/. ; London and North-Western, 11. 158. ; Midland, and North- Eastern—York, 1/. 10s.' Great Northern, and North-Eastern—Berwick, 1/. ; East Lancashire, Lancashire and Yorkshire, and London and South- Western, lOs. In Foreign Shares, Great Western of Canada is it. better. French Shares are flat : Paris and Orleans is it., Western and North-Western of France, 108., Great Central of France, and North- ern of France, 5s. lower. The following are the latest quotations.
Caledonian, 551 ; • Chester and Holyhead, 341i Eastern Counties, 91; '
Edinburgh and Glasgow, 5n; Edinburgh, Perth, and Dundee, 34 ; Great Northern, 94; Ditto AStock, 84; Ditto B Stock, 125; Great Western, 6q-' Lancaster and Carlisle, 71; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 95; London andBlackivall, 7 ; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 106; London and North-Western, 104; Ditto 101. Shares M. and B. C. 51; Ditto Eighths, 11; London and South-Western, 105; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln- shire, 341; MidLand 791,- North British, 371 ; North-Eastern—Berwick, 801; Ditto York, 58; North Staffordshire, 12 ; Scottish Central, 102; Shropshire Union, 47; South-Eastern, 71 Midland Bradford Preference Stock, 92 ; Wilts and Somerset, 911 ; Eastern Counties Extension New 6 per Cent Stock, llf ; Great Northern 5 per Cent, 116; Great Western 5 per. Cent Redeemable Preference, 100 ; London and Brighton New G ua- ranteed 6 per Cent, 135 ; North British, 1031 ; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 6 per Cent, 106/ ; South Devon, 151; Beziers to Grids- sessac, 16 ; East Indian, 221; Geelong and Melbourne Guaranteed 5 per Cent, 24; Grand Trunk of Canada A issue, 111 ; Great Indian Pe- ninsula, 211; Ditto New, 51; Great Western of Canada, 241; Ditto New,
104; Great Luxembourg Constituted Shares, 4f ; West Flanders 51 per
Cent Preference, 91. Mines—Rliymney Iron, 23 ; United Mexican, 4. Joint-Stock Banks—Australasia, 991; Bank of? Egypt, 151' English, Scot- tish, and Australian Chartered, 161; London Chartered Bank of Australia, 21; London and Westminster, 49; Ottoman Bank, 111; Union of Austra- lia, 64; Union of London, 281. Miscellaneous—.Australian Agricultural, 231 231 , Canada Government 6 per Cent January and July, 1131 ; General
Navigation, 26; London General Omnibus Company, 31; Peninsular and Oriental Steam, 691; Ditto New, 141; Peel River Land and Mineral, 24 ; Royal Mail Steam, 641.
3 per Cent Consols 924 Dutch 24 per Cents 63 5
Ditto for Account Ditto 4 per Cents 94 6 3 per Cent Reduced 91 Mexican 3 per Cents 214 New 3 per Cents 92 Peruvian 44 per Cents 75 7 Long Annuities 2 5-16 Ditto 3 per Cents 54 6 Bank Stock 212 14 Portuguese 3 per Cents 1853. 43 5
Exchequer Bills par 4 pm. Russian 5 per Cents 106 8 India Stock 226 30 Ditto 41 per Cents 95 7
Austrian 5 per Cents 86 9 Spanish 3 per Cents 41 2 Brazilian 5 per Cents 99 101 Ditto Deferred 234 4
Belgian 44 per Cents 96 8 Sardinian 5 per Cents 88 90 Viilian 6 per Cents 103 5 Swedish 4 per Cants 84 7
Danish 5 per Cents 102 4 Turkish 6 per Cents 90.11 Danish 3 per Cents 83 5 Ditto 4 per Cents Guaranteed. 991
An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 92, for the week ending on Saturday, the 25th day of Oct. 1866.
NOteS (soiled £23,538,205 ISSUEDEPILIVIWILST.
Government Debt £11,016,100
Other Securities 3,459,900
Gold Coin and Bullion 9,063,206
Silver Bullion
£23,638,205 I £23,598,206
TrOpriet011e Capital £14,553,000 Government Securities (inclu- Rest 3,287,281 ding Dead WeightAnnuity). £10,740,815
Public Deposits' Other Securities 18,545,315 -Other Deposits 10,044,763 Notes 3,00,350
Berea Days and other Bills, 939,449 Gold and Silver Coin 674,391 • £32,925,901 £32,925,901 Including Exchequer, Saving-Banks, Commissioners of National Debt, & Dividend Accts.
The Royal Surrey Gardens Company, at a meeting on Wednesday, de- clared a dividend of '5 per cent for the half-year. In the course of the pro- ceedings, allusions to the late accident led to a statement, that, compared with some public buildings, the hall possesses extraordinary facilities for exit : the ground-floor could be emptied in forty seconds, if people went out in an orderly way ; a disorderly rush would kill people even at the steps by the Duke of York's Column. The recommendation of the Coroner's Jury for improving the staircases is to be carried out.
A "Metropolitan Saloon Omnibus Company " is announced : the amount of the proposed capital is not stated. It is to bring into use an improved patent omnibus, and to carry out the Parisian system of "correspondence." The principal vessels of the General Screw Steam Company were offered for sale at Lloyd's on Wednesday—there was not a single bidding.
Mr. Thomas H. Baylis, the originator of the Unity Assurance Associa- tion, and until recently its managing director, has ceased to be an officer of the company : at the annual general meeting, last week, the shareholders declared him to be no longer in their service.
Notice is given that petitions for the winding-up of the Newcastle Com- mercial Banking Company are expected to be heard before Vice-Chancellor Kindersley on the 7th instant.
At the last advises from China, the greatest excitement prevailed in the silk-market ; immense transactions had taken place at greatly enhanced prices : it is believed that the supply will fully equal European wants.
A company is projected in Paris' with a proposed capital of 80,0001., to cultivate the plant sorghum, with the view to the extraction of sugar and alcohol. It is intended to purchase an estate near Arles, Bouchea-du- Rhone.
The Hamburg new steam lines are making satisfactory progrfts. The Hamburg and New York Steam Company have been so successful with their two steamers (the Hammonia and Borussia) that they are building two more in Scotland, so as to run them next year every fortnight, instead of Monthly as at present ; and the line of direct steamers front Hamburg to the Brazils (monthly for the present), by the new steamers Teutonia and Petropolis, is advertised to be opened in November next.
The Genova, the first steamer of the line of the Genoese Transatlantic Company, left Genoa for Rio Janeiro on the 19th ultimo. She carried fifty passengers and a valuable cargo.
The result of the mania for taking shares in new undertakings at Ham- burg is becoming now apparent in the number of shares forfeited for not paying up the calls for the second and third instalments. Thus the North German Bank publishes a list of no fewer than 722 such shares, each of 500 marks banco ; the Rhenish Railroad Company, 455 shares ; the Bank of Thuringia, 336; the Minerva (a mining company in Silesia), 20 shares of 1000 dollars each ; the Werra Railroad Company, 83; the Gera Bank, 76; and the Leipzic Bank of Credit, 137 shares.
The revenue of the Cape colony for the year ending 30th June 1856 was 285,671/. ; expenditure 280,9761. ; favourable balance, 46951. The revenue for the year ending 30th June 1855 was 274,591/. ; expenditure, 289,1541. ; ad- verse balance, 14,5631.
CRYSTAL PALACE.—Return of admissions for six days ending Friday October 31, including season-ticket-holders, 11,336.