Foxglove Manor. By Robert Buchanan. 3 vols. (Chatto and Windus.)—We
deeply regret to see the name of Mr. Robert Buchanan on the title-page of such a novel as this, which we could not truth. fully characterise without using epithets that we should feel it pain- ful to apply to the author of "The Shadow of the Sword" and " God and the Man." In one or two of Mr. Buchanan's recent fictions the atmosphere has been far from healthy; here it is simply poison- ous. We will not attempt to describe Foxglove Manor, for we wish to forget it ; and we shall be glad if we can save others from the task of forgetting. No member of the " fleshly school," which Mr- Buchanan once severely denounced, ever produced a work more really objectionable than this story. We sincerely hope that its readers will be few, and that its author may speedily rise from the mire into which he has fallen.