1 NOVEMBER 1884, page 1

News Of The Week.

M R. GLADSTONE will probably move the second reading of the Franchise Bill on Monday, when Lord Randolph Churchill is to move :—" That, in the opinion of this House, any measure......

On Thursday, There Was A Crowded House Assembled To See

the drawing of the Birmingham "badger," as Lord Randolph Churchill had termed Mr. Chamberlain, by the Woodstock terrier. The terrier, however, turned out to be rather too little......

Mr. Chamberlain Commenced His Reply By A Somewhat Too...

attack on Lord Randolph for having explicitly made in Birmingham, and made on several different occasions, a very different series of charges from those now preferred against......


When Lord Randolph Rose To Attack Mr. Chamberlain, It Was

obvious that he was conscious of having to make all the play he knew. He began by referring to Mr. Gladstone's strong con- demnation of violence on the first night of the......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...
