Hygiene : a Manual of Personal and Public Health. By
Arthur Newsholme, M.D. (Gill and Sons.)—Dr. Newsholme discourses on "Food" and "Diet," on "Fermented Drinks," on " Water," on " Ventilation," " Clothing," " Sewage," " Building," " Infection," cum multis aliis. The treatment he gives to every subject is thorough, though he has managed to compress a great mass of information into a moderate space. On alcohol he is disposed to favour total abstinence, and is emphatic on the necessity of restricting its use to the maximum of an ounce-and-a-half of pure alcohol in the twenty-four hours. This put in turn into ordinary measures and liquids would mean about two quarts of small-beer, a pint of stoat, a little more than a half bottle of weak claret, about three glasses of port, sherry, or madeira (reckoning twelve glasses to the reputed quart), half as much of brandy, and a little less than half of whisky.