The Temple of the Andes. By Richard Inwards. (Vincent Brooks
and Day.)—The temple which Mr. Inwards describes is situated in Peru, near Lake Titiaca, and nearly 13,000 feet above the level of the sea, and is a very remarkable monument of the ancient civilisa- tion of Peru. The reader should note especially the striking reconstruction which Mr. Inwards gives on Plate 6 (accompanied, however, by the statement that the building was probably never fioished). Another interesting illustration is that which presents the greatest monoliths of the world drawn to scale. Egypt occupies the first six places. Then come two from Tiabuanaco (the temple here described). The largest stone in modern London (at the base of one of the columns in Euston Square) is a very small affair in com- parison. This is a very careful and interesting contribution to an obscure branch of archaeology.