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A Common Hall was held on Thursday, for the election of a Lord Mayor for the ensuing year. Alderman Kelly and Alderman Cowan were unanimously returned by the Livery to the Court of Aldermen ; and the Court chose Alderman Kelly ; who said he felt "proud of being elected at so auspicious a period, when trade was flourishing through the land, and general tranquillity was established." Alder- man Kelly would have been mortified, we suppose, had he been chosen to an office of honour and responsibility in times of difficulty and danger. A vote of thanks to Lord Mayor Copeland was carrid, amidst loud applause; and the Hall was then dissolved.
The new Sheriffs for the year, Messrs. Duke and Johnson, :were sworn in at Guildhall on Wednesday.
They were yesterday presented, in due form, to Mr. Cursitor Baron Banks, in the Court of Exchequer. The usual inauguration dinner was given in the Egyptian Hall in the Mansionhouse. The number of distinguished guests was not considerable. Sir Andrew Leith Hay and Mr. F. T. Baring represented the Ministers, .Sir Philip Durham the Navy, and General Durham the Army. Mr. Harvey, Mr. Wakley, Mr. Crawford, Sir S. Whalley, Mr. Pattison, and Sir F. Pollock, were the Members: of Parliament present. The chief speakers were the Sheriffs, but their oratory is not reported.
At a meeting of the Middlesex Magistrates, on Thursday, Mr. Sergeant Adams was reelected Chairman.