The Matchless Malibran, Whose Serious Illness, In The...
the Festival at Manchester, was mentioned in the Spectator of the 17th September, died at Manchester, in the Mosley Arms Inn, on the night of Friday the 23d. She had been......
Directed To Some Official Person In The Ilavannah,...
six others. Four, bearing the same direction, had gone by the mail to London. This being ascertained, an express was sent off to London, to the General Post-office, warning them......
Lord Deere In Hertfordshire, And Mr. Fazakerley In...
called meetings in their respective parishes for the purpose of agreeing upon a commutation of tithes under the new Act. The members of the Congregational Union for the 1Vest......
A Meeting Of Shipowners Was Held At Sunderland On The
2:3rd ultimo, to consider a communication received from the Secretary of the Coal-trade, to the effect that the coalowners of the district intended to raise the price of coals......