Cbv Court.
THE King, accompanied by the Dutchess of Gloucester, rode to Bag- shot on Monday, and returned to Windsor to dinner. The Queen and the Dutchess of Gloucester went, on Tuesday, to Salt-hill, to see the Dahlia show.
On Wednesday, the lang, attended by Sir Herbert Taylor, came to
town, and held an investiture of the Order of St. Michael and St. George, at St. James's Palace ; when General Sir Henry Bouverie, Governor of Malta, was invested by the King with the riband and badge of a Knight Grand Cross of the Order, with the usual ceremony. His Majesty gave audiences to Lord Glenelg, Lord Palmerston, Mars quis Conyngham, and Sir John Macdonald; and left town with Si. Herbert 'Taylor, for Windsor, soon after six o'clock.
The Queen, accompanied by Prince Ernest of Hesse PhilOpsthal, Lady Clinton, and Miss D'Este, came to town about half an hour be- fore the King, on Wednesday ; and was visited by the Princess Sophia, who also saw the King. The Queen left the Palace for Windsor about half-past four.
Sir William Hudson arrived at the Castle on Tuesday. It is nut stated that he has received orders to hold himself in readiness for another Continental journey. Sir Robert Peel has been visiting Talley- rand at Valensay, but is probably noW in Paris. It is said that the Court will go to Brighton on the let of Novem- ber; and that a house has been taken at Ramsgate for the Dutchess of Kent and the Princess Victoria.