1 OCTOBER 1836, Page 7

The Earl of Mansfield has munificently presented a grant of

land for the erection of the new church at Sauclue.—Stirling Journal.

Lord Dundas, who is well-known as a most liberal and public spirited sullbleman, has intimated his intention to erect at his own expense and -endow a church at Grangemouth, a village containing 1000 people, in which there has not hitherto been any place of worship.

The members of the Glasgow Protestant Association had a meet- ing on Wednesday week, to receive a deputation from the North of Ireland, headed by Dr. Cooke, so noted for his violence and bigotry in the Synod of Ulster. Mr. Colquhoun of Killermont was at the meet- ing, and Mr, Pringle, Member for Selkirkshire. There was no lack of abuse of the Catholics. A Mr. Crotty, a "reformed priest," We believe, was the chief orator. This person said that he had made 2000 converts from Popery in the vicinity of Birr,—an assertion which the people there laugh at.

On the evening between Sunday and Monday last week, the house of Sir Thomas Dick Lauder, at the Grange, was broken into ; and, among other articles, a charter-chest, containing several important papers, was taken away. Some of the papers were found in an adjoin- ing field, but several are still missing.