The Utilization of Minute L. By Dr. T. L. Phipson,
F.C.S. London, &c. (Groombridge and Sons.)—Tho object of Dr. Phipson is to redeem tho sciences of zoology and botany from the charge of being unpractical. To effect this he has taken certain classes of invertebrate. and set himself to show how they contribute directly to the welfare of mankind. Thus he devotes a chapter to the insects which produce silk, another to those which produce colour—as the cochineal, another to those which produce wax or honey; and treats of insects employed in medi- cine, of certain crustacea—as lobsters and crabs, of worms and leeches, and of polypes—as the coral insect and sponges. The result is a most pleasant volume full of interesting and useful information. Indeed it is remark- able how little has yet boon done for the improvement of the breeds of insects. M. Andre Joan, director of a largo silkworm establishment at Nenilly, has effected wonders by brooding only from the largest and finest silkworm moths. In this matter, as is shown by their invention of pisciculture, the French are ahead of us. We heartily commend this. work. In point of getting up—paper and type—It is as near as possible to perfection.