Captain Burton's Mission To Dahome.* Tama Two Volumes...
Burton's narrative of his mission to Dahome in 1863, and his accounts of Dahornan history, religion, constitution, and institutions in general, the Amaz)n army and the grand......
C Urrent Literature.
The Knapsack Guide for Travellers in Italy. (John Murray.) — Of all countries Italy is perhaps that for which a knapsack guide is least required, if that term is to be taken in......
The Utilization Of Minute L. By Dr. T. L. Phipson,
F.C.S. London, &c. (Groombridge and Sons.)—Tho object of Dr. Phipson is to redeem tho sciences of zoology and botany from the charge of being unpractical. To effect this he has......
A Neglected Fact In English History. By Henry Charles Coote,
F.S.A - (Bell and Daddy.)—The theory of this essay is that too much effect has been attributed to the Anglo-Saxon invasion. The common idea is that the provincial Britons were......