[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—You kindly allowed an appeal in your columns on behalf of the costs cast upon the Bishop of Lincoln in the Privy Council Appeal Case. We ask you to allow us to renew it. We now know that the total sum required amounts to just under 24,0001 We have raised up to to-day just over £3,000; nor is there any possibility of any payment of these costs in accordance with the order of the Court. Yet it is surely nothing short of a scandal that the Bishop, who inherits his officials and is wholly innocent of anything but doing his simple duty, should secure a verdict in both courts and yet be left to pay costs in both. Though we address this letter to all, we feel bound specially to ask for subscriptions from those who urged the appeal. Without their support no appeal could have been made. They no doubt advised it in good faith, but it is deeply to be regretted that one result has been thus to burden the Bishop of the diocese with costs unprovided for in the appeal advised. The Bishop did not oppose this appeal; he wished to give the defendant every chance to clear his character. This is felt strongly by the Bishop of Lichfield, who desires it to be made public that he has subscribed to the Bishop's Costs Fund. Now that all the facts are fully known to those outside as well as to those within the Diocese of Lincoln, surely all Churchmen must feel it their duty to absolve the Bishop from the costs incurred.—We are, Sir, &c.,
1 Joint Hon. Sees. T. C. FRY EIISTACE ADEL SMITH, Hon Tieasurei.
The Deanery, Lincoln.