1 OCTOBER 1921, page 21
THE CRAVE IMPERTINENCE.t MR. MARRIOTT'S new book is not merely a remarkable novel. but is remarkable for a certain very odd and indefinable flavour • The Thirteenth Hunars in......
Readable Novels. —the Sleuth Of St. James's Square. By...
Davisson-Post. (Appleton. 8s. 6d. net.)—To those who like the species even' the mediocre in detective stories is often acceptable. The discoveries on the part of Sir Henry......
A Green Grass-widow, And Other Stories. By Jane H. Find-
later. (John Murray. '711. 6d. net.)—Echoes of the Great War still haunt the minds of the makers of books all the world over. It is well that this should be so. And when they......