It is unquestionable that the new taste for " hiking
" and the provision of well-spaced hostel camps for thOse who fill their leisure in this 'way, has bred a new zest for camp life. If all this movement can be linked up with country crafts, including the craft of camping, we might see a new future for the rural artist in wood or iron or leather. ThOreau says somewhere in his best manner : " Never met I a man engaged in the so simple operation of building his own house." The first group of this new society has built itself a very effective workshop in the New Forest ; and meditates the construction of bathing pools and bridges and such engineering feat.. The most pleasing example of this sort of energy within my personal ekperience Was provided by a community of small-holders in the half-cleared woodlands (not unlike the New Forest) of Western Australia, near Perth. Some of the carpentry work supplied by the squatters themselves was delightful. One man (I think he came from East London) had made door handles out of the cones of trees.
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