1 OCTOBER 1932, page 14

A Shropsiiire Postman. ,

The postman of Cleobury Mortimer has obtained the sort of reputation won by Clare, whose early fame was due less to the merit of what he wrote than to the fact that he was......

Country Life

CAMPING CRAFTSMEN. A vigorouS little group. of self-helpers, whose activities have been interesting Hampshire residents, is being given a certain amount of publicity by the......

* * Regaining Lost Birds.

That most English of institutions, the Field, is celebrating its eightieth birthday and using the occasion to compare the country life of early Victorian days with ours. It is......

It Is Unquestionable That The New Taste For " Hiking

" and the provision of well-spaced hostel camps for thOse who fill their leisure in this 'way, has bred a new zest for camp life. If all this movement can be linked up with......

A Museum Garden.

Perhaps the most various collection of flowering shrubs ever gathered into an English garden is being this week dispersed. This author and begetter had such whole- hearted......

Whether Grith Fyrd Camps Are Likely To Multiply As The

pioneers expect, we need not conjecture, but the idea is at least stimulating, much better than the rather cantankerous isolation of a Thoreau, who was altogether too......

Certainly To-day We Have Good Hope That Some Of The

most delightful of European birds are on the way to become British. The spoonbill, the avocet, the ruff have all appeared recently on Norfolk sanctuaries. The liquid notes of......

How Often It Happens In England That Retiring Statesmen Come

back to .Candides immortal dictum : it fact- culticer noire jardin. I think I never met anyone who was quite so ready with the Latin- syllables of any plant, rare or common; as......