1 OCTOBER 1954, Page 14

Letters to the Editor


SIR,—Ivor Bulmer-Thomas writes in the Spectator (September 24) that if the proposal of the Archdeacon of Leeds to demolish Holy Trinity Church is persisted in, the demand will again be raised that such• buildings should be taken out of the control of the ecclesiastical authorities, and adds, ' I hear the muttering already.'

May I suggest that I am not alone in being convinced that the Historic Churches Preserva- tion Trust will not secure the support of the public unless it works for just that ? The pre- servation of church buildings in the sense of preservation from decay seems rarely to occur to church authorities.

Why wait for the beetle ?

Why not prevent as routine maintenance 7 Has this stitch- in-time method no appeal to church visitors ? Personally I think it has. ' Admire this exquisite roof and prevent decay by putting an offering in this box' would open my purse. —Yours faithfully, B. D. SPENCER

53 Vandon Court, S.W.1