Country Life
Tins harvest' turns out to be one that will take some beating. Large acreages of corn stand in stooks when normally the grain would have been safe. The waste goes on and yet......
Biting Insects
Reading an article on the mosquito recently, I was surprised to learn that they show a dislike for yellow-coloured garments. It seems the way to avoid the attentions of the......
Care Of Geraniums Geraniums Should He Brought In At The
end of this month and cuttings should bb sheltered either in a frame or in the green- house by now. A temperature of 45° should he maintained during the winter if possible.......
Fishing Birds Does The Cormorant Air His Wings To Dry
them, raise them to ease his fish-laden stomach or hold them out to get rid of sea- lice as a reader suggests.? I am not sure now. That the cormorant has some unpleasant habits......
Plus Ca Change
Competitors were asked to provide a set of instructions, in the vein of Swift's Directions to Servants in General, to one of the following: a garage mechanic, a daily help, a......
Spectator Competition No. 242 Set By A. M. 0. S.
Swnmer is over at last. Competitors are invited to compose a Song of Thanksgiving of not more than sixteen lines. Entries, addressed 'Spectator Competition No. 242,' 99 Gower......