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Tn a prizes are awarded each week - a copy of the De Lure edition of Chambers's Twentieth Cen- tury Dictionary and a book token for one guinea. These will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened after noon on Tuesday week. October 12, and addressed: Crossword 802. 99 Gower St.. London, W .C.I. Solution must be on the form here printed.The solution and the names of the winners will he published in the following issue.
ACROSS 1 In short ' The Man from, the Ministry' 7 (8). 5 So a bed may be found in the houses (6). 9 The price of Piggy-wig's ring (8). 10 Two short accounts get a reversed certificate (6). 12 The Bayard of India (6). 13 On reflection a disguised mistake in the middle (8). 15 The Rump Parliament possibly ? (5, 7). 18 A protracted calculation in the lobbies (4, 8). 23 Polonius handed out a few of these (8). .24 ' Demurest of the tabby kind' (6). 26 Advertisement I ehoOse seemingly (6). 27 Mother joins the ladies with ill effects (7), 28 The poet might have been an apple done brown (6). 29 A university confused in pretence but dogged (8).
DOWN: 1 Letters handed round (6). 2 A main point's taking in to graze (6). 3 He died from an attack of stone (7). 4 'The Leader is fairest, But all are divine ' (4). 6 Something of au echo in the drum (7). 7 Moor arranged for the boys (8). 8 Miles of poetry (8). 11 Put us among the records (7). 14 Curve up above the wine- containers (7). 16 Seemingly breathless after a flick (8). 17 Inns gave accommodation for the family (8). 19 When to pay (3, 4). 20 The dictator's garment ? (7). 21 --. good lady; the bright day is done' (Shakespeare) (6). 22 Just the opposite of C.O.D. (6). 25 Goodbye in the depression (4).
Solution will be published on October 15.
The winners of Spectator Crossword No. 800 arc as follows: First prize to Miss Rost: HOLTYE, Broadmark Lane. Rustington, Sussex, and second prize to MSS. GRETA Btu., Kilkeel, Newry, Co. Down.