"Boulogne. August 27. " Sir—I have the honour to inform
you, that the Queen, Prince Albert, the Prince of Wales, and the Princess Royal, quitted Paris this morning, accompanied by the Emperor. Their Majesties proceeded in -state from the Tuileries to the railway station. The streets and boulevards were lined with troops. The concourse of people assembled was as great as, and the recep- tion of the Queen was even more enthusiastic than, when her Majesty en- tered Paris.
"The Queen is profoundly sensible of the kindness with which she has been received by the Emperor and Empress, and of those manifestations of respect and cordiality on the part of the French nation by which she has everywhere been greeted. "On personal and political grounds the visit :to Paris has afforded the highest gratification to her Majesty.
"The magnificent army of Boulogne has just been reviewed by the Queen. Her Majesty will embark tonight at eleven o'clock. The Emperor will ac- company her Majesty out to sea, and return here in his own yacht. "I have, &O. CLARENDON. "The Right Honourable Sir George Grey, Bart."
According to present arrangements, the Queen will leave London for Balmoral on the 6th September. Setting out on the Great Northern Railway, her Majesty will arrive at Edinburgh about seven in the even- ing; that night she will rest at Holyrood Palace ; on Friday proceed by the usual route to Banchory; and, -after luncheon, drive thence to Bal- moral.
THE QUEEN and Prince Albert, with the Prince of Wales and the Princess Royal, set Bail from Boulogne soon after eleven on Monday evening ; and arrived off Osborne, after an excellent passage, a little before nine on Tuesday morning. On Wednesday we find her Majesty and Prince Al- bert taking their usual drive in the quiet and pleasant places of their island retirement.
, The Gazette of Tuesday contained the following letter from the Earl of Clarendon to Sir George Grey.