SATURDAY. The principal characteristic of the morning's news is the number of re- ports all tending to the same averment—that Russia at last confesses the excessive pressure......
Reports Have Been Current In Paris Respecting Royal...
contem- plation. On Tuesday it was said that the Bing of Sardinia would arrive "in a day or two" ; a later report makes him arrive the week after next. The King of Bavaria and......
Some Curiosity Was Raised When It Transpired That Sir...
Napier had this morning published the private correspondence with Sir James Graham in October and November last ; and it turned out that the Horning Advertiser was the organ of......
The Telegraph Does Not Even "report Progress" In The East.
" St. Petersburg, August 31.— Prince Gortschakoff writes from the Crimea, August 28, The enemy continue to fire briskly.' No new facts." "Turin, August 30.—The latest despatches......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY A rrearroost. The English Funds have been very inactive during the week. The num- ber of members of the Stock Exchange and operators who are out of town......