Reports have been current in Paris respecting royal visits in
contem- plation. On Tuesday it was said that the Bing of Sardinia would arrive "in a day or two" ; a later report makes him arrive the week after next. The King of Bavaria and the King of Wurtemberg "are also expected," said the despatch of Tuesday ; but although there have been other allu- sions to the subject, they continue to be indefinite.
The Archduke Maximilian of Austria arrived at Marseilles on Tuesday,. in the frigate Radetzky, and remained for two days. Ile was receive& ceremoniously by the Prefect of Marne ; and on his departure he seiat an aide-de-camp to thank the Emperor of the French for his reception.
Among the German gossip is a positive statement that Bremen has agreed, at the instance of Prussia, to join the Zollverein ; which thus ac- quires a valuable port.
The Saxon Government has just contracted a new loan of 5,000,000 thalers ; which were all subscribed for in three days, the Prussian capi- talists having taken a considerable amount.