The telegraph does not even "report progress" in the East.
" St. Petersburg, August 31.— Prince Gortschakoff writes from the Crimea, August 28, The enemy continue to fire briskly.' No new facts."
"Turin, August 30.—The latest despatches from General La Marmora say that the Piedniontese are fortifying their position on the Tchernaya."
"Marseilles, Saturday, September 1.—The Thabor, which left Constanti- nople on the 23d August, has arrived. The advice, from the Crimea are to the 21st August. Despatches leave at 9 a. sn. The Caffarelli frigate has arrived, with invalids, from the Crimea. The steamer Armenian leaves with troops."
"For some days past," says a letter from Roustchuk of August the 10th, "bodies of Turkish troops have been directed from the Danube on Baltehick and Varna, where they will embark for Asia. Osman Pasha has left this place with five battalions, and Mahmoud Pasha and Der- wisch Pasha have quitted Silistria with eleven battalions. These six- teen battalions amount in number to from 8000 to [9000 men. It is ex- pected that others will follow, and that they will be replaced by French troops."
The large iron screw-steamer Great Britain embarked about 1000 troops of the Line at Liverpool yesterday afternoon, composed of draughts from the 4th and 13th Light Dragoons, 2d, 4th, 5th, and 6th Dragoon Guards, 8th and 11th Hussars, and 17th Lancers, besides about 52 officers of the 9th, 17th, 18th, 13th, 33d, and 49th Foot. She has also on board a large quantity of 13-inch shells, and a considerable number of huts. At the same time, the Europa steamer took on board 13-inch shell and huts, and a number of officers of the 55th, 68th, and 89th Regiments. They were both to sail this morning for the Crimea, calling at Gibraltar and Malta.