ihr alttrupulis.
The Convocation of the Clergy of the Province of Canterbury was pro- rogued on Thursday, in due form, by the Vicar-General of the Province, and the Queen's Proctor, until the 24th' October next.
"Much disappointment has been occasioned among the members of both Houses by the decision which has been come to by her Majesty's Govern- ment in reference to the future proceedings of Convocation. At the last meeting, an address to her Majesty was agreed to, praying that she would be graciously pleased to allow the more active powers of Convocation to be re- vived, so that it might not be as now and as it has been during the last century and a half—a mere deliberative body, whose resolutions cannot be carried into practical effect. Although this address was agreed to by both /louses, it is well known that in the Upper House the Archbishop of Canter- bury, the Bishop of Winchester, and some other prelates, objected to it; and that in the Lower House it was opposed by the Dean of Bristol, the Honour- able and Reverend Montagu Villiers, Dr. lUCaul, and other influential members of the Evangelical party. It was also objected to by the Arch- bishop of York, who has never allowed Convocation to meet for the despatth of any business in the province of which he has the supervision. 'Under these circumEitances, the address went up to her Majesty, who has' refueed her sanction to the recommendations. It is generally belieeed that if there had been anything like unanimity among the members of .Convocation themselves, the prayer would_ have been acoeded to-hy. her Majesty's 'ad-, Tigers; Lord Palmerston having more than once stated that he could see no harm in allowing the active powers of the.OhálNSynod. A refusal, how- ever,. having been senvith, e ilrither biscussion will stand over till next session."— The latepayers of St. Panoras are at issue respecting the best means of obtaining a fair division' of-the parish into wards under the Metropolis Local Management Act. At &meeting in the Vestry-room, on Monday,— Mr. Ferrer, Churchwarden, in the cbair,—two propositions were broached : one, to appoint there and then a committee to watch the division of the parish ; the other that each of the five parish districts should elect three persons to do the same service. After a tumultuary discussion, the latter proposition-was adopted.
It has been arranged that Messrs. Strahan, Paul, and Bates, shall be finally examined at Bow Street Police Office on the 12th, preparatory to their corn-: mitment.
James Hennessy and his wife have been committed by the Lord Mayor for shamefully neglecting and starving their little boy, three years old.
When Cortazor and Masip, the Spaniards accused of 'forging a letter of credit for 1100/., were produced for reexamination on Saturday, a second charge was brought against Cortazor. M. Jose Ramon Yglesias, a merchant of Walbrook, paid the prisoner 700/. on the strength of a letter of credit from Valencia—that letter turns out to have been forged. The :prisoners were again remanded.