(Closing MomAy, Prices.) yrestday
per Cent Consols
911 911 911 015 Ditto for Account 3 per Cents Reduced 911 93 911 921 911 99i 911 91 New 3 per Cents. 921
92 92 Long Annuities
Annuities 1893.
161 161
Bank Stock, 8 per Cent 218
2154 214 India Stock, 101 per Cent 233
231 2321
Exchequer Bills, lid. per diem
17 pm. 17 17 Exchequer Bonds 1839
100/ India Bonds, 31 per Cent
(Last Official Quotation daring the Week ending Friday Evening.)
Austrian 5 p. Ct. 4111.01.
Belgian 11 - 91) Mexican I
Ditto 21 - — Peruvian 41 - Brazilian 5 1021 Portuguese 3 Buenos Ayres 6 - 671 Russian 6 Chill= 6 — Sardinian 6 - Danish 5 - 108 Spanish Ditto 3 — Ditto New Deferred Dutch (Ex. 12 Guilders). ..21 -Ditto (Passive Ditto 4 :1 Turkish 6
French ' a 117f. lap. Venezuela 41 - BANK OF ENGLAND. An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday, the 25th day of Aug. 1663. Issue DEPAIrre ANT.
128,918,770 Government Debt £11,013,100 Other Securities 2,984,900 Gold Coin and Bullion 14p16,770 Buser Bullion
£26,916,770 E18,916,770 -BANEINO DEFAXTXMTT.
Proprietors' Capital £14,553,000 Government Securities (luau- Rent : 3,327,349 ding Dead Weight Annuity), £13,022,164 Public Deposits' 6,97 ,825 Other Securities . 14,995,232 Other Deposits 11,674,629 Notes 8,874.555
Seven Day and other Hilts.... 997,165 Gold and Silver Coln ..... 629419
£27,021,168 £37,614,168 • Including Exchequer, Savings-Banks, Commissioners of National Debt, & Dividend Accts.
BULLION. Per ox. METALS. Per ton.
Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard..£3 17 9 Foreign Gold in Coin, Portugal Pea 0 0 0
New Dollars o a of
Sllver in Bars, Standard 0 5 11 Copper, Brit. Cakes. C126 0 0 .. 0 0 0 Iron, Welsh Bars .... 7 10 0 .. 8 0 0 Lead, British Pig.... 32 10 0 .. 23 0 0 Steel, Swedish Keg.. la 0 0 .. 19 0 0 GRAIN, Mark Lane, Aug. 31.
Maple.... 37 to 39 Oats,Peed.. 24 to 26 White ... 43-46 Fine 25 - 26 Blue 49-39 Poland ... 27-25 Beens,TIcks e- 0 Pine.. 28 - 29 Harrow • 0 0 Potato ... la-IS Indian Corn 47-60 Fine .. 59-3L AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. WEEKLY AVERAGE.
Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales. For the Week ending Aug. 24. Wheat.... 76s. 64. Rye 44.. Sd Wheat 73.. 7d. I Rye 435. fid.
Barley 31 7 Beans 46 7 Barley 34 5 I Beans 46 4 Oats 28 8 Peas 42 5 Oats 27 6 1 Yeas 40 Town-made per sack 65,. to 720, Norfolk and Stockton 53 - 55 Seconds 80 - 65
Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 0 - 0 American .. ...per barrel 37 - 44 Canadian 37 - 44 Bread, 714. to 1014. the 4115. loaf. FLOUR. Butter-Best Fresh, 13s. Oil, per 0011.
Bacon, Irish per cwt. Us. to 765.
Cheese, Cheshire 0 - 0 Hams, York 0 - 0 Eggs, French, per 120,08.0d. to Os. 041,
Carlow, el. Os. to 01.0s per ewL
Derby, Plain 0 - 0 PROVISIONS.
NalroATE AND LELDENN•Li.. CASTLINIARILIT.• HIAD OT CATTLE ST 1711 s. d. a. d. a. d. a. rt. u. d. a. d. eVerts-DANDAT.
Beef... 3 6 to 4 0 to 4 6 .... 4 0 to 4 10 to 6 2 Monday. Friday. Mutton 3 4 - 4 4 - 4 8 .... 4 4 - 4 - 4 Veal., ft 4 - 4 0 - 4 8 .... 4 0 - 4 10 - 6 4 Pork .. 3 8 - 4 4 - 5 0 .... 4 4 - 4 8 - 4 10 Lamb.. 8 - 5 0 - 6 4 .... 5 0 - 6 6 - 5 10 Beasts. 4,319 918
Calves.. 166 402 Sheep .21,370 11,240 Pigs ... 576 171 • To sink the offal, per 6 lb.
Beat Pockets 189s. to 220s.
Choice ditto 0 0 Sussex ditto 180 300 Farnham ditto 0 - 0 HAY AND STRAW. Per Load of 36 Trusses.)
CUMIZILAND. fearrerrsto. Wnirres sem.
Hay, Good 130s. to 130, 1110. to 1205 131s. to 126e. Inferior... ..... au - 115 80 - 90 0 - 0 New 90 - 136 0 - 0 78 - 115 Clover 130 - 140 130 - 135 120 - 136
Wheat Straw 32 - 34 24 - 25 25 - 28 Rape Oil per cwt. £2 17 0
I.Inseed 011 2 3 6
Linseed 011 Cake per 1000 16 0 0
Petersburg Y. C 35s. 80. to 55s. lid.
Coals, ikettall 314. ed. Town Tallow aft. 64. to Os. 04. Tees ttr. IN. OILS, GREASE, COALS. Welt India Molasses 16s. 04. 10 174. 00. Sugar, Muscavado, per cwt. 245.814.
C.ffee, One (in bond) cwt. 676.13d. to 506.88. Tea, Sonebong, One, per lb. Is. 2d. to Is. 6115
Good Ordinary au. Od. - 531. 01. C.mgou, One I 0 - 2 4 Pekoe, flowery I 4 -3
In Bond-Duty lo. 64. per lb. 011.00ERIES. Bristol and Exeter Caledonian Edinburgh and Glasgow Eastern Coandes ' Great Northern Great South. and West. Ireland Great Western Hull and Selby Lancashire and Yorkshire Lancuster and Carlisle London, Brighton, & South Coast London and Blackwell London and North-Western London and South-Western Midland 61Idland Great Western (Ireland, North British North-Eastern-Berwick North-Eastern-York Oxford, Won. & Wolverhampton- Scottish Central South Eastern and Dover East India Guaranteed Great Western of Canada
East and West India London Sc. Katherine Victoria '
Australasian 94 British North American 09
City as
Colonial Commercial of London
London. 54 London Chartd. Bnk. of Australia 201 London Joint Stock. 311
London nod Westminster 48
National of Ireland ' )Iational Provincial — Oriental 171
Pnarinelal of Ireland 53 Halos of Australia 731
Union of London zu 1
Ague Pria — Brazilian Imperial —
Ditto (St. John del Rey) as Cubrc Copper 43 MIsc LLLLL NODS--
Australian Agricultural ao
Canada 136
Crystal Palace 11 General Steam — Peel Riser Land and Mineral - 21 Peninsular and Oriental Steam 801 Royal Mail Steam MO South Australliin 361 SHARES.
Clad Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Beltways-
91 634 531 ' II 891 104 551 ex d. 107 ex d. 831 75 961 93 861 694 cx d. 51 281 721 ex d. 491 27 109 601 ex d. 241 231 102 201
Thou. Friday.
911 911 91 911
911 92
921 921 4 In 17 2111 2161 13 17
951. 211 82 ao
19 41 931 Si Notesissued
Wheat, R. 0 Oto 0
Fine 0- 0 White Old 0- 0 Fine 0- 0 New 72-80 Fine 85-86
Eye 451048
Harley 30-33
Halting 32-36
Malt, Ord 68 -72 Fine 0- 0 Peas, Hog- 36 -30 Down Tegs liVetbers
Leicester fleeces
Coshing WOOL. ..jser lb. 144 to 15154. 12 - 14 - 0
10 -134