In the report of the Directors of the South-Eastern Railway, it is stated that the receipts for the half-year ending 31st July were 438,7791. The working expenses, and renewals, rates, taxes, tolls, Government duty, rents of Greenwich Railway, Deptford Creek bridge, Angerstein branch and wharf, interest of mortgage debt, annuities and guaranteed stock, make a total de- duction from the gross earnings of 354,2391. The profit and loss account exhibits a balance of 13,8871. from last account, together with 11,4811., the profits credited the steam-boat account; against which is 40961. for Parlia- mentary and other expenses, leaving an available balance of 105,8121., which will pay a dividend at the rate of 21. 16s. 8d. per cent per annum, and leave 501/. In the passenger-traffic+, compared with the same period in 1854, there is an increase of 27621. on the main line and branches, 12721. on the North Kent line, and a decrease of 17981. on the Greenwich line. The half- Yearly meetinewas held on Thursday ; and the Chairman mentioned that the amount expended in the capital account had been chiefly applied to the works of the &rood and Maidstone branch. The Reading extension had also been constructed, and was opened for traffic on Thursday. The report was agreed to.
At the half-yearly meeting of the Great Northern Company, on Saturday, —Ur. E. Denison M.P. in the chair,—it was stated that negotiations with other companies were pending. The increase in the price of coke, in the amount of interest on borrowed money, and other matters, had reduced the sum available for difeidends; but the first half of the year was generally the least productive of traffic or dividend. A proprietor complained that the ex- penses were 60 per cent of the receipts; while those of the London and North- Western were not above 46, and of the South-Western 45 per cent. In re- ply, it was stated that it arose from working over 120 miles of railway belonging to other companies. The report was adopted ; and a dividend declared at the rate of 21 per cent per annum on the ordinary shares, and 41 per cent on the B Stock ; and the Directors were authorized to borrow -333,0001. on debentures.
The report of the Directors of the Eastern Counties Company shows that the receipts for the half-year to 30th June amounted to 596,6091.; being an increase of 36,1151. compared with the same period in 1854. The expenses had increased 15,6051., and the mortgage debt had been augmented 439,735/. The sum applicable for a dividend is 67,3731.; which will pay 48. 6d. per share and leave• 1735/. The half-yearly meeting, yesterday, was very stormy : only that portion of the report declaring a dividend was passed ; and a committee of seven shareholders was appointed to investigate the affairs of the Company. -The Lancashire and Yorkshire Company, in their report, state that the Southport line from Wigan was opened in April. The second line of rails had been laid on the Sheffield and Barnsley Railway, and the line opened. There is an increase iii the net revenue of 19,3811. The balance of revenue available to the payment ef interest and dividend and other fixed charges is 318,677/. A dividend is proposed at the rate of 4 per cent per annum, and to leai,e a surplus of 14,9941.