THE Military news of the week is easily told. A six days' duel of the most formidable kind had been going on between the Turks and the Russians for the posseasion of the Shipka Pass, without either party gaining the victory ; and after the severe fighting of Saturday and Sunday, the duel appears to have been remitted, or only languidly pursued, each party awaiting further reinforcements. The importance attached by the Turks to success in regaining this pass does not seem quite intelligible, while it is clear that at least one important Russian reason for so fiercely bolding by what they had gained, is a humane one. If they evacuated this pass, they must give back to the Turks for a time the region about Gabrova, which implies surrendering the wretched Bulgarian inhabitants to all the horrors which the people of Eski-Saghra so recently underwent. So the Russians cling with fierce tenacity to an " open " pass, enfiladed by Turkish artillery from neighbouring heights, and have lost, according to official admission, in the six days' fighting, 2,731 men, including 98 officers.