The Future Life.
go THE EDITOR OF THE 44 HPROTATOR."3 Sin,—Mr. Greg writes that the belief in a future life must be. conclusive "to all to whose spirits communion with their Father is the most......
Letters To The Editor.
THE MONITORIAL SYSTEM. (To TES EDITOR Or THE "spiv:awns.") SIR,—I abstain from all criticism of your correspondent, "Arthur Sttachey's" letter, in reply to mine of an earlier......
(to The Editor Of The "spectator.") Sir,—i Do Not Know
where your correspondent Mr. Arthur Strachey gets his facts, but to those who know the present state of our public schools, his assertion with reference to the moni- torial......
(to The Editor Of Tits "sreareroa.") Sin,—your...
says, "If it is really true that public schools and monitors are things inseparable, the future of Rugby, Winchester, and Harrow should be contemplated with the gravest concern......
The Pace Of Mind.
IT is a familiar idea that there are quick-witted people and is people, but it is rather a startling addition to the notion that the pace of mind. may be measured by inches and......