1 SEPTEMBER 1973, Page 4

Satisfied customers

From Dr D. Middleton

Sir: You and your paper are greatly to be congratulated on your continuing exposure of Common Market attitudes and policies. In particular it was good to read (August 18) of the continued vigour and worth of the Commonwealth. Australia is one of our Commonwealth partners to have been particularly badly treated in recent months, and it is understandable if Mr Whitlam, as you say, has no particularly strong instinctive feelings for the Commonwealth.' I do however feel that you are a little unfair in including 'General Gowon in this category. His broadcast to celebrate the eleventh anniversary of Nigeria's independence included the following (see Nigeria Today,' No 15, November 1971): "At international level we have continued, and shall continue, to show support for and confidence in the United Nations Organisations, the Commonwealth and other international bodies to which we are morally committed ...'' Certainly in my five years in Nigeria, whilst criticisms existed of specific policies, I heard nothing but praise for the Commonwealth and its ideals.

D. Middleton

5 Wood Lane, Gedling, Nottingham