Nursery Schools
Sir: That such a prominent headmaster should quote a sentence so out of context as to give the opposite slant to the case presented in the article from which it is taken is......
Sir: The Decision To Provide Nursery Education For All Is
only too typical of the current Tory approach to education. This involves a frenzied determination to toe the current trendy line — even if this means apeing the doctrinaire......
Hypocrisy And Hijacking
Sir: Surely your readers are entitled to expect from you better informed and more penetrating comment on the tangled affairs of the Middle East than was contained in your......
Satisfied Customers
From Dr D. Middleton Sir: You and your paper are greatly to be congratulated on your continuing exposure of Common Market attitudes and policies. In particular it was good to......
Sir: I Offer My Heartiest And Most Sincere...
your paper for the forthright, honest, realistic, courageous and logical articles which have dominated it in recent weeks. Whether the topic be the Middle East, the EEC,......