The gloom which has so long hung over the Money Market was increased by the arrival, in the early part of the week, of irtelligence of a fall of nearly 3 per cent, in the Austrian Funds ; and as the speculators here have always considered the fluctuations of those securities as very important, Consols for Account continued to decline till Wednesday ; when the price was low as but a rise has since taken place to 87g. The closing price to-day is 871 India Stock has been gradually improving during the week, and is to-day at 223; 2241. Bank Stock which had been all the week between 191 and 192, has risen suddenly this afternoon to 195: some extensive purchases have been made in it. Money is still plentiful. Exchequer Bills are 49 50 prem. The Foreign Funds have been in a state of comparative inactivity ; and though all of them have declined during the early part of the week, they have nearly recovered their former prices, and close at nearly the same quotations as this day week. Brazilian Bonds have been as low as 59, and close at 59 60. Portuguese Bonds and Scrip have been nearly stationary ; the intelligence from Oporto not being of any decisive character. Spanish Stock, after following, though in a much slighter degree, the fluctuations of the Paris Market, closes to-day at 183
We have to notice an improvement in the price of Consols of A per cent. ; the price now being 87:4 for Money, and 87e 4 for the Account. The omissions of all notice of the rumoured reduction of the sum allowed by Government to the Bank for the management of the National Debt, in the speech of the Chars- cellor of the Exchequer on bringing forward the Budget, has caused a consider- able improvement in Bank Stock; the price has been as high as 199, and is now 198 199. India Stock is stationary. In the Foreign Market the business is quite unimportant ; the prices are generally rather higher than yesterday.
SATURDAY, Fora ()Tunic.
Nothing of importance has occurred since the morning. Bank Stock has not maintained its price, and closes at 196 197. India Stock is a little lower, viz. 22;3 224. Consols are 87;1 fir Money, 874 for the Account. This trifling improvement in the Market is caused by the closing of scone speculations re- cently entered into for the fall. The Foreign Market is q.!tite inactive. Prices are nearly as in the morning; with the exception of Spanish Stock, which closes higher, 19%.
3 per Ct. Consols Sit !Belgian 5 per CL 85 Hexieaufi per Cts. 36 Ditto for Account 371 1Brazilian 5 per Cts.. 591 I Portuguese° p. Cts. 50 51 New 3f per Ct. Ann 91g Danish 3 per Cents. 72173 Do.Regeney Se. 5 it. C. 51 51
Bank Stock 196 71batch 21 per Cents. 451 6,Prussian(1815)a p. C. — India Stock for Acct 223 -I.Frencli 3 per Cents. — iRuss.(1818)5p.C. 1021 3
Exchequer Bills 49 50;Greek (1525)5 p.Cts. 36 3S.Spanish(1821)5p.C. 19 1