Mr. Ballantine, The Thames Street Police Magistrate, Has...
ill, in consequence of an accident which he met with last week. He was riding on horseback in Leadenhall Street, when a Stratford stage-coach drove furiously against him : the......
Noah Pease Folgar, The American Captain, Who Shot At Mr.
William Mellish on the '18th February last, was tried on Monday at the Old Bailey Sessions, and acquitted, on the ground of insanity. He is or- dered to be imprisoned till his......
Captain Bayntun, The Member For York, Attended At Bow Street
on Monday, to answer a charge brought against him by Mr. Mullett, of No. 374, Strand, of having illegally pawned a looking-glass which he had hired of Mr. Mullett. It was......
Two Men Named Searle And Hardy Were Indicted, On Tuesday,
at the Surry Sessions, for assaulting a Police constable named Edwards, in the performance of his duty. Mr.. Dunbar, a barrister, addressed the Jury, with great warmth, for the......
The Bank Of England Issued A Notice On Saturday, That
they had. made arrangements with the Lords of the Treasury for circulating Ex- chequer Bills, pursuant to an act now in force, to the end of April 1834: thus showing,......
Eke Cowan).
The election for Coventry terminated, on Saturday, in the return of Mr. Ellice. The numbers at the close of the pull were— For Mr. Ellice 1,509 Mr. Thomas 1,206 Mr. J. Cobbett......