Captain Bayntun, the Member for York, attended at Bow Street
on Monday, to answer a charge brought against him by Mr. Mullett, of
No. 374, Strand, of having illegally pawned a looking-glass which he had hired of Mr. Mullett. It was stated, that in March 1832, Captain Bayntun had hired a considerable quantity of furniture from Mr. Mullett, for his lodgings in Regent Street. The furniture was hired for six months ; at the end of which time, it was to be returned with twenty.pounds for the use of it. Mr. Mullett had great difficulty, how- ever, in _procuring restitution of the furniture ; and at last recognized his looking-glass at apawnbroker's shop in High Street, Marylebone, where itlad been lying in pawn since July last, in the name of Chous- field. In consequence of the absence of the pawnbroker' the further hearing of the case was postponed to a future day. Mr. Humphreys, who attended Captain Bayntun to the office, declared that he had incon- trovertible evidence to clear Captain Bayntun's character from every suspicion of impropriety.
The charges against the officers of the 'Union Hall Office, for ex-
torting money from publicans, by threatening to lay informations against them, are still continued. On Wednesday, Mr. Wardle the proprietor of the Equestrian Coffeehouse, near the Surry Theatre, brought seve- ral charges against the chief constable Hall, and three officers named Skillern, Gill, and Johns. The investigation was postpon:d, after a long sitting. Two of the Marlborough Street Officers have been dis- missed, for extorting money from a Mr. Jessop, a tradesman in Princes Street, under fraudulent pretences.
Louisa Jacobs was committed to gaol on Monday, for robbing her father of 26s. She was induced to commit the robbery by a man named Castles, who had seduced her, and who was also committed. _