Bourne's Handy Assurance Directory, 1889. By William Bourne. (W. Bourne,
Liverpool.)—Mr. Bourne continues to keep up to date his valuable collection of facts relating to the Insurance Companies of this country. No person intending to insure should fail to consult this manual. The information it supplies may require to be supplemented by other inquiries ; but the funda- mental facts of the proportion between funds and sums assured, and between expense of management and premium income, are of an importance that cannot be explained away. We shall not mention any names, but simply refer our readers to this volume. When one office has funds equal to half of its gross liabilities, and another only a tenth ; when ono, again, spends a third of its income in management (and this is not an extreme case), and another a fifteenth (and this economy, also, is sometimes beaten), it is very clear that the circumstances of the Associations differ considerably.