Lord R. Churchill And Central Birmingham.
[To THB EDITOR OP THE "SpEcTAToa."] SID,—In a strong and trenchant article on "The Central Birmingham Quarrel," you give a very decided opinion that Lord R. Churchill is not the......
Mr. Gosse On Great English Poets.
M R. GOSSE, who has been discussing in the Forum the greatest names on the roll of English poets, lays down the main elements of poetical greatness as consisting in "originality......
Letters To The Editor.
ARGUMENTS AGAIN - ST HOME-RULE. [To TER EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIE, — So many eminent and gifted men have spoken and written against Home-rule, that it may seem......
Late Circuit Justice In The Bahama Islands. A Copy Of
this publication came to hand some months ago, but it has not been considered necessary to notice it. It is regarded here as a caricature. Ministers of State wince under or......