The Ghost of Dunboy Castle. By "Huberto." (Simpkin, Mar- shall,
and Co.)—In his preface, " Hubert,o " gives at the outset the following dialogue between an imaginary author and critic :— " Author : I am about to lay before you in the following pages, the narrative of a true ghost-story.--Critic: Pooh, pooh !" Had the critic confined himself to these expressions after having read the book, we should give him credit for great self-control. Not only is the novel dull to a degree, but it is also in parts so confused as to be quite unintelligible. Occasionally, however, "Hubert° " is amusing, possibly unintentionally. We are told that a gentleman who had lost his wife "determined no other wife should ever occupy her place ; a resolution which he firmly kept, for he never afterwards was known to pay the least attention to another girl, and never even walked with one as he returned from prayers on Sunday." Unfortunately, such relaxations from the general dullness of the story are but few and far between.