Good riddance to bad sport
From Mr Ken Gosling Sir: Sadly for the noble Lord Mancroft (Letters, 13 April), we do live in a democracy, and the undeniable fact is that the majority of the people in this country abhor the red jacket and the red mist over the red eyes when the dog chasers encourage their pack to rip an exhausted, terrified animal to bits. Which is why most of us, admittedly city folk, say thank God the hunt is now going to the dogs.
As far as Mancroft's sinister threats to the government are concerned, no doubt he means the mobilisation of the people whose jobs are under threat from a ban on foxhunting — the people who only follow him for fear that they would lose their jobs if they didn't, the same people who watch Lord Mancroft sit on his hunter chaser, sipping his early-morning livener from his silver goblet while they stand wondering whether they will have enough money left at the end of the week to buy a bag of chips. Maybe Lord Mancroft and his Countryside Alliance would be better employed trying to discover ways to enhance the prosperity of their employees than trying to persuade the rest of us that the demise of dogs hunting foxes will be the death of the countryside.
Come on, Mancroft, accept the fact that you can't kill mammals any more: if you have to kill something, stamp on a few spiders.
Ken Gosling
Rochdale. Lancashire