20 APRIL 2002, page 67

Feteful Attraction

Sue Mott WE are looking for a minor sports celebrity to open our village primary school's fête and, boy, what a window into the soul of sport this enterprise is proving to be.......

Q. Recently, When Staying In A Hotel Room In Jamaica.

I was confused by the air-conditioning controls and did not like to disturb my sleeping companion by ringing down to reception for illumination. Now that I am back in England,......

Q. I Have A Problem With A Reasonably Good Friend

of about six years' standing that risks making me seem both churlish and ungenerous. This friend is to be married later in the year, and I shall have to contend with both his......

Q. My Teenage Daughter Eats With Her Mouth Open. She

claims that 'every single other person at school eats with their mouth open'. (She attends a top public school.) While we do not wish to blight every family meal with nagging,......