20 AUGUST 1870, Page 2

It is stated that in the same sitting, which was

secret, the Left demanded the dismissal of the Emperor, and Count Palikao sat impassive, while the Right were almost reduced to silence. It is clear that the Count does not intend to defend the Empire by force, for be stated clearly that he had recalled General Trochu from Chalons to Paris, and he knows better than anybody that as military governor of Paris the General is master of the situa- tion. General Trochu has always been considered an Orleanist, but he is certainly not an Imperialist, and in the great crisis will probably decide between Parliamentary and Republican Govern- ment with a single eye to the immediate interest of the country. That immediate interest in the event of a defeat may be the restoration of the House of Orleans, as the King of Prussia, who is bitterly prejudiced against Republics, may declare a Republican Government in France a menace for Germany requiring farther guarantees.