The Lancet Of This Week Has A Very Caustic Paragraph
on the 'Queen's health, congratulating the nation on the complete 'health which enabled the Queen to travel on Tuesday from -Osborne to Windsor, to hold a Council on Wednesday,......
The Member For West Surrey, Mr. Briscoe, Is Dead, And
all the , papers, following Dod, are speaking of him as a moderate Liberal. In fact, however, he was returned in 1868 by the Conservatives to oppose Mr. Gladstone's Irish......
The Young Rhinoceros At The Zoological Gardens In Using Its
horn to root up the barrier between its stall and that of the female, as it would use it to root up trees in the forest, broke it off, on which there was a considerable loss of......
The Liberals Of Plymouth And The Attorney-general, Sir R....
have been acting together a delightful little farce—the former affecting the greatest jealousy for Sir R. Collier's devotion 'to his Parliamentary and other duties, and Sir R.......
Lord Granville Has Written A Very Good Circular To Her
Majesty's diplomatic and consular representatives in Germany, in answer to the assertion that we are not properly observing our neutrality by selling horses, coal, and munitions......
The Americana Have Taken The Defeat Of Their Countryman's...
Dauntless, by Mr. Ashbury's yacht, Cambria, in the great Atlantic yacht race, with their accustomed good-nature, though they found it so difficult to believe that their champion......
Lord Elcho Has Given Up Urging That The Volunteers Should
be armed with Solders, for the very excellent reason that of the 300,000 which Mr. Cardwell stated to be in store, it seems that -nearly 200,000 are in store in Canada. Lord......
We Give The Following Curious Evidence That The...
only a revival of an old invention, from " Grose's Military Anti- quities" (1801), vol. ii., p. 165 :—" A patent was granted by King Charles I. to William Drummond, of......