As regards the subordinate offices, we may mention that Sir
Edward Grey is to be Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, and he will represent the department in the Lower House. He is an able young man, who is supposed to be very " moderate " as a Home-ruler. Mr. G. W. E. Russell will be Under-Secretary for India, with the same advantage; Mr. HerbertGladstone, Under- Secretary to the Home Office, and, with his superior in the same House, will have very little to do ; Mr. Sydney Buxton will be Under-Secretary to the Colonies, representing that department in the Lower House ; Mr. Burt, Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Trade ; Sir Ughtxed Kay-Shuttle- worth, Secretary to the Admiralty ; Mr. Hibbert, Financial Secretary to the Treasury ; Mr. hlarjoribanks, Patronage Secretary (or chief whip); and Sir W. Foster, Parliamentary Secretary to the Local Government Board. Lord Sandhurst will be Under-Secretary for War, representing that depart- ment in the Upper House; Sir Charles Russell resumes the office of Attorney-General ; and Mr. Rigby takes that of Solicitor-General ; while Mr. Walker becomes Lord Chancellor of Ireland. Neither of the Irish law-officers have at present seats in the House of Commons, The MaeDermot becoming Attorney-General, and Serjeant Hemphill Solicitor-General.