As Regards The Subordinate Offices, We May Mention That Sir
Edward Grey is to be Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, and he will represent the department in the Lower House. He is an able young man, who is supposed to be very " moderate......
It Seems More Than Doubtful If Mr. John Morley Will
secure his re-election for Newcastle. Mr. Hamond, M.P., is said to have given it as his opinion that Mr. Ralli, the Liberal Unionist, will beat him by a majority of from 500 to......
News Of The Week.
O N Thursday the Unionist Government rendered up the Seals of Office, and Mr. Gladstone's Government received them. The situation was rather neatly represented yesterday week by......
Of The Other Appointments, The Most Remarkable Is The Pro-
motion of Mr. Asquith to the important office of Home Secretary, and the raising of Mr. Arthur Acland to the Vice- Presidency of the Council of Education, with a seat in the......
A Fresh List Of Honours For Members Of The Defeated
party appeared yesterday. The Earl of Zetland, the retiring Lord- Lieutenant of Ireland, is to become a Marquis ; Viscount Cranbrook, the retiring Lord President of the Council,......