We have dealt elsewhere with the situation in Bulgaria, but
may note here that a Renter's telegram of Wednesday, sent from Sofia., announces that M. Jacobsohn, the ex- Dragoman of the Bucharest Legation, who sold the Secret Documents to M. Stambuloff, has now handed to the Bulgarian authorities the key to the telegraph cipher used by the Russian agents in their correspondence with St. Petersburg. The Bulgarian Government has in this way been able to decipher the originals of several telegrams sent off years ago from the office at Rustchuk. These showed that when, in 1885, the Russian officers serving in the Bulgarian Army were asked by their Government what effect their recall was likely to produce in the Principality, they replied : "The Army will break to pieces." When, a year later, after the failure of the mission of General ICaulbars, a similar inquiry was addressed to the Russian Consuls concerning their recall, they answered : "The people will not let us go, but vial rather overthrow the Government in power in order to conciliate the Tsar,"—an answer which shows that the Consuls were singularly ill-informed. Though the telegrams are not specially remarkable, their publication has evidently caused a good deal of sensation ; we presume because they to
some extent afford external proof of the genuineness of M. Jacobsohn's disclosures. A further item of information in regard to the documents is that M. Stambnloff demonstrated their authenticity to the Sultan at his interview.