The History of Civilisation in Scotland. By John Mackintosh, LL.D.
Vol I. (A. Gardner.)—This is a new edition which is almost equivalent to a new book. It is fifteen years since Dr. Mackintosh issued the first volume of his work, which at once attained a high place among books dealing with the history of Scotland, on account of the novelty of its plan and the variety and accuracy of its information. During these fifteen years the publication of Exchequer Rolls, Burgh Records, and other im- portant documents, mainly of municipal interest, have furnished fresh and interesting material relating to the history of Scotland during the twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth centuries, and there has been much investigation into prehistoric periods. Availing himself of this, Dr. Mackintosh has rewritten the whole of his book, but he has in no degree altered its spirit. In its judicious handling of conflicting statements as to matters of fact, it is altogether unique. The first volume brings the wcrk down to the beginning of the sixteenth century, at which time Scotland had a population of 600,000.