The Fellows of the Collegiate Church of Manchester. By the
late F. R. Raines ; edited by Frank Renaud, M.D. Vol. II. (Printed for the Chetham Society.)—This volume carries on the record from 1728 to 1843. The frontispiece is a portrait of the Rev. William Clayton (1709-73), one of the best-known of the number. Mr. Clayton, like many of his associaties, was a fervent Jacobite. Elected Chaplain in March, 1739-40, he was in Manchester when the young Pretender visited that town, and offered up prayers for the Stuarts in the Collegiate Church. He was suspended after Culloden, but availed himself of the amnesty, and became more moderate in his political views. He had a school in Salford, which was frequented by some of the leading county families. In 1760 he was elected Fellow. It must be allowed that the Collegiate Church was not a nursery of genius, but its records have much local and some general interest.