Two learned books on St. Patrick may be mentioned together,
—Succat, the Story of Sixty Years of the Life of St. Patrick, by Monsignor Gradwell (Burns and Oates), and Ireland and St. Patrick, by William Millen Morris (same publishers). Mr. Morris assails the authenticity of the Bull by which Adrian IV. gave, as it is alleged, Ireland to Henry II. He also deals with the Irish Question. His language can scarcely be called definite, but it points undoubtedly to a Catholic ascendency as complete as any Protestant ascendency ever was. "Give the sons of St. Francis of Assisi and the daughters of St. Vincent and St. Paul, and all their kindred associations in Ireland, something more than a mere suspicious and niggardly toleration. Let them have dominion in schools, workhouses, and hospitals."—Saint Chrysostoni and Saint Augustine. By Philip Schaff, D.D. (Nisbet and Co.) — Martin of Tours, Apostle and General. By H. H. Scullard, BA. (John Heywood, Manchester.)