SIR,—May I draw your attention to an error that has slipped into the very fascinating article by Darsie Gillie, Chatillon, Vix and the Vase,' in your issue of August 6?
It says there: 'The objects found showed that it' (the Celtic town in question) ' had flourished in the seventh, sixth and perhaps fifth century BC, at the end of the era called Halstattian, after a type-site in Switzer- land. . .
and in that of Hallstatt itself, and whose famous salt-mine has been worked since pre' historic days, is situated in Austria, in the region beloved by tourists, called Salzkarn• mergut, and not in Switzerland.
An excellent acconnt for the general reader of the place and its ancient culture has re• cently been given by Dr. F. Morton, directof of the museum at Hallstatt, in his book Hallstatt and die Hallstattzeit, Hallstatt, 1953. Yours faithfully, K. PR/IBRAM Vienna XIII, Mantlergasse 16a