Three Coins in a Fountain. (Carlton.) JEAN NEOULESCO ushers in his latest film with such staggeringly beautiful photo- graphs of Rome, tracking a watery path, from its superb'......
Television And Radio
IT is ridiculous and unnatural for a man talking on television to an audience of a mere million or so to pretend to be chatting to a few people 'by their own firesides.' Yet......
Contemporary Arts
ART Sickert's Dieppe IT is over seventy years since Dieppe first iP threw its spell over Sickert. 'In 1883,' he wrote, 'the year in which the portrait of Whistler's mother was......
WHATNA ploys are yon they hae amang the bens an birkies oh? This notice certainly deserves to be written in the purest lallans, but the effort of translating it into those......